Workshop "Combinatorial Reconfiguration in Discrete and Computational Geometry"

August 30, 2021
Online via Zoom

As a part of the research project "Fusion of Computer Science, Engineering and Mathematics Approaches for Expanding Combinatorial Reconfiguration" (head investigator: Takehiro Ito), we are going to organize Workshop "Combinatorial Reconfiguration in Discrete and Computational Geometry" via Zoom on August 30 (based on European Timezone).

A basic idea is to share fundamental concepts and recent trends of combinatorial reconfiguration problems that arise in discrete and computational geometry and identify future research directions. In discrete and computational geometry, metric and topological properties concerning flips and compatibility of several geometric structures have been discussed; theory and algorithms for reconfiguration in robotics and nanomanufacturing have been studied; several questions involving continuous deformations in topology have been investigated through the algorithmic lens. This workshop aims at the broad audience of discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science, who wish to learn and work on this active research area.

The program will be exclusively composed of invited talks. Each talk is planned to span one hour, including discussion.

List of Confirmed Invited Speakers


Time in CESTTime in JSTSpeakerTitle
8:00-9:0015:00-16:00Dan HalperinGeometric Reconfiguration and Assembly Planning
9:10-10:1016:10-17:10Emo WelzlTriangulation Flip Graphs of Planar Point Sets
10:20-11:2017:20-18:20Hugo ParlierCurves, Surfaces and Intersection
11:20-13:4018:20-20:40Free discussion
13:40-14:4020:40-21:40Rodrigo SilveiraFlips in Higher Order Delaunay Triangulations
14:50-15:5021:50-22:50Hsien-Chih ChangMorphing Planar Metrics
16:00-17:0023:00-24:00Sándor FeketeCoordinated Reconfiguration for Swarms of Objects
17:00-18:0024:00-25:00Free discussion

Talk Titles and Abstracts
